Sunday April 5th, 2020

Morning :)

Three things I'm grateful for:
1. My dog
2. My friends
3. My jewellery

Three good things that happened in the past 24 hours:
1. I finished a substantial part of my work
2. I made Greek Salad with Couscous (New dish!)
3. I talked to my mom

Three things I learned in the past 24 hours:
1. The average wage in Japan is low despite high employment is partly because of the abundance of low productivity part time workers, in addition to the (nenko) seniority-wage system that offers promotion to an employee based on their age and experience rather than their skill.
2. The purple flower "Limonium" means "I miss you"
3. This life is valuable but fragile. Don't make others' approval the centre of your attention.

A word I learnt yesterday:
"Epoch"- A particular period in history or one's life.

also known as "Purple Lavender"


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