Journaling day 2 Good afternoon, Yesterday has been alright. I ended up spending hours stuck in traffic and so that took up a substantial part of my day, which was not ideal as it left me shattered. However, in the evening, I felt like I had regained my energy and recharged my mind by spending time on the terrace with the family and disconnecting from the internet. I'm finding it really helpful to limit the amount of time I spend on social media and my phone in general, especially in the morning up to a few hours after I wake up. I'm also finding it helpful to sleep at a fixed time every night as it helps me take control over my own nights and mornings, and generally feel like I am more in control of my schedule. It also guarantees that I sleep well even if I have got something to do early in the morning the next day. So far, I'm loving all the time I get to spend with my grandma, and look forward to spending my mornings with her. On the other hand, my nights are best spe...