
Showing posts from May, 2021

A year on... Zoom fatigue and things I'm grateful for

 May 3rd 2020 I am utterly exhausted: this pandemic has taken away a wholesome university experience from me. This is not to say, however, that I didn't try to enjoy my time as much as I could by going on walks often these past few months, admiring the grandeur of the beautiful Arlington gardens near the Student's Union. Closing my eyes, feeling a light breeze caress my hair as I walk through the music of the chirping birds, I get an epiphany. I am a stewardess on this earth: I am here to care for it and pass it on to the next generation while preserving its beauty and maintaining its health.  After attempting to go vegan for the past week or two, I think I have failed miserably at achieving a well rounded diet. My bones were aching and my body was craving. Oh, fish and cheese, when am I ever going to be able to give you up without longing for the food-gasm you give me everytime. I am proud of myself for trying, however, for making a healthier choice for my body and this beauti